Resume of
James B. Swecker, M.E.M.
14635 Seasons Dr.
Centreville, VA 20120
Tel: 703-220-1777 (mobile)

Expertise: Mr. Swecker is a business process improvement expert with skills as an expert developer of Oracle and SQL Server .Net (C#) and open source OLAP, OLTP, workflow and complex processing systems (CEP). He has proven expertise in database consolidation and warehousing, data integrity and Web 2.0 UX. He is adept at working closely with individuals and small groups; a thought leader who delivers high-quality solutions to non-technical, demanding, high-profile customers.

Qualifications: thought leadership, vision, and initiative; Master of Engineering Management (MEM); US citizen; proven expertise, full life-cycle application design, development, and deployment to many satisfied government and corporate offices since 1996; experienced ScrumMaster; seasoned aerospace technology analyst; expert in compiling, assimilating and conveying comprehensive financial and technical analyses (including CONOPS and Project Charters); executive-level airline operations experience; former DOD/SDI plasma physics research technician; and licensed Airframe & Powerplant Mechanic (FAA A&P).


ENVIRONMENTS: Apache, Tomcat 7/8/9, Android SDK, CentOS, IBM I-Series Navigator, Linux (Ubuntu), Mac OS X, Windows clients and servers (WinXP to Server2016), JBoss, JVM, IIS, Inferno, Docker, KVM, QEMU, VMWare, Hyper-V, Raspberry Pi 3, WinCE, Knoppix, and Websphere.LANGUAGES: Functional MVC and OOP methodologies: ASP.Net (WFC/WPF), C#, C, VB, VBA, vbscript, javascript, Java, jQuery, JSP, PowerShell, Bash, PL/SQL, SQL (including stored procedures and triggers), T-SQL, D3, HTML, CSS, WAP, WAML, XML, XSL, and XAML; PLATFORMS: application development: Eclipse, Intelli-J, NetBeans, Oracle Application Express, Oracle SQL Developer, PowerShell, Visual Studio (all versions); biometrics: All modalities, performance, and architectures. FBI IQS Appendix F, IAFIS, NistPak, Morpho, Identix, Cognitec, Visage, CrossMatch; cloud: AWS, Cloudant (IBM), Cloudera, OpenStack, EC2, CloudFoundry. IaaS, SaaS, DbaaS, XaaS, VMWare, Kubernetes, Docker, GitLab, AWS CloudFormation, S3, Route 53, EBS, ELB, EC2, Lambda and VPC; content management: Documentum, ElasticSearch, Kibana, Hummingbird, Retrieval Ware, StorNext, Microsoft Fast, Open Text, MS Content Management Server; databases: Accumulo, Cassandra, CouchDB, DB2, dBase, H2, HDFS, Informix, MongoDB, MySQL, Maria, Neo4j, Netezza, Objectivity, Oracle 11g (including SQLoader and Enterprise Manager), Oracle SQL Developer, Oracle SQLPlus*, Oracle JDeveloper, MS Access (all versions), SQL Server (all versions), and Sybase; forensics: Basis Transliteration Assistant (Arabic), Defraser, Bulk Extractor, ffmpeg, FTK, EnCase Forensic Professional Suite; project management: MS Project, Jira, Confluence, Media Wiki, Trac Wiki; modeling: ERWin, Informix, Toad, System Architect, and Visio; business intelligence: SAP Crystal Reports, ElasticSearch, Ferret, Kibana, Lucene, Oracle, Pentaho, MS Access; integrated software: Basis Transliteration Assistant (Arabic), MS Office (all versions), OpenOffice 4; DevOps: MS Visual SourceSafe, and Subversion (incl. Tortoise), Team foundation Server, Git; collaboration and e-mail: SharePoint 2013, SharePoint Designer, Silverlight, MAPI, Exchange Server (including Forms Designer), POP3, SMTP; and workflow: ePower, WorkPoint, IBM System Architect, CEP, business process automation, MS Project, ERWIN, Toad, Visio.


02/2018-Date: Senior Developer for the federal Government on behalf of a local consulting firm, McLean, VA delivering ad-hoc ETL workflow solutions and data migration services to a local data center: leveraged application software such as Pentaho, Oracle 11g, Kibana, ElasticSearch, and Squirrel in Windows 7 and Linux environments; created and deployed custom scripts written in C and javascript; prepared custom queries using ECL IDE; and applied regular expressions to filter and format data destined for Netezza and Oracle data warehouses.

09/2015-12/2017: Senior Developer for the Federal Government on behalf of a local consulting firm, Reston, VA delivering RESTful business process automation solutions and ad-hoc business intelligence capabilities to the AWS cloud and desktops within an Agile environment and DevOps framework: Created Producers and Consumers for Kafka topics in using Java, Eclipse, on AWS EC2 instances with S3 storage. Used Angular, Eclipse, jdbc, ActiveJPA, AJAX, and JQuery to add new functionality to AWS web portal improving processes for creating Avro schemas from Oracle tables for Kafka topics. Served as SharePoint Site Administrator for several sites within the office. Provided new functionality and enhancements to web applications maintained by the office and migrated data from text files to relational databases in SQL Server. Developed Windows .Net 4, ASP.Net and C# MVC and WPF web applications and deployed builds to IIS and maintained code in Team Foundation Server.

10/2014-09/2015: Senior Developer, on behalf of a local consulting firm, Bethesda, MD: delivered business process automation solutions and ad-hoc business intelligence capabilities to the Federal government. Served as SharePoint Site Administrator for the sites within the office. Created numerous web-based business intelligence reports as an Oracle DBA using Oracle web services and PL/SQL. Provided software applications on an ad-hoc basis using .Net, SharePoint 2013, SharePoint Designer, Silverlight, Visual Studio 2010, MS Access or Oracle, and Team Foundation Server for source code control.

11/2013-09/2014: Data Architect with A-TSolutions, Inc., Vienna, Virginia, assigned to The SI (Vencore), SEIN, IC-ITE, serving the Federal Government. Provided OCI/FFRDC technical and management advice leading to the adoption and implementation of cloud migration strategies for applications and data in the IC. Provided architectural thought leadership for cloud formation strategies. Researched alternative database architectures for serving CSPE and CFPE data across the IC and reported findings. Developed data migration strategies for GIS systems. Evaluated data tagging requirements for Geographic Consolidated Surfaces and Features and assessed methodologies for ETL processes and URI resolvers. Evaluated alternative architectures for data hosting and secure access services.

7/2012-8/2013: Senior Lead Web Developer, CACI, Fairfax, VA. Responsibilities included: delivering SharePoint 2010 business applications using SharePoint designer, Silverlight, C#, and Visual Studio IDE.

3/2010-4/2012: Principal Intelligence Analyst, BAE Systems, McLean, VA. Responsibilities included: delivering business process automation solutions and ad-hoc business intelligence capabilities to the Federal government using Agile and SDLC development methodologies; leading software development efforts for distributed systems; analyzing, developing, deploying, and documenting large databases; providing technical advice and expertise for data warehousing and sharing agreements. Tools utilized in the course of daily activities include, but are not limited to: ASP, C#, Dot Net, javascript, jsp, Perl scripts, SQL Server Management Console, System Architect, Visual Studio, and Transact-SQL; databases include: DB2, H2, MongoDB, MySQL, Objectivity/DB, Oracle 10g/11g, and SQL Server; operating systems include i5/OS, LINUX (Redhat & Ubuntu), Microsoft Windows (all versions, all servers), and UNIX; storage devices include NetApp, DDN and WiebeTech appliances.

11/2005-4/2010: Senior Principal Software Developer Engineer, BAE Systems, McLean, VA. Responsibilities included: delivering business process automation solutions and ad-hoc business intelligence capabilities to the Federal government using Agile and SDLC development methodologies; leading software development efforts for ETL and database applications; analyzing, developing, deploying, and documenting databases; providing technical advice and expertise for data warehousing and sharing agreements. Tools utilized in the course of daily activities included: ASP, C#, Dot Net, javascript, jsp, Perl scripts, Python 3, RetrievalWare, SQL Server Management Console, System Architect, Visual Studio, and Transact-SQL; databases include: DB2, MySQL, Oracle 10g/11g, and SQL Server; operating systems included i5/OS, LINUX (Redhat & Ubuntu), Microsoft Windows (all versions, all servers), and UNIX.

7/2004-10/2005: Manager, Business Processing Reengineering, Kadix Systems, Arlington, VA. Assignment: provide leadership and technical expertise to the Federal government on multiple projects within a modified CMMI framework. Responsibilities include: cost estimating and project scheduling; coordinating tasks for teams and groups; collecting, analyzing, modeling, and developing business processes and workflows; conducting executive briefings; and providing technical expertise in business software automation and document management technologies. Software expertise includes IBM/Rational System Architect, Microsoft Visio, and Hummingbird RM/DM.

5/2002-7/2004: Biometrics Team Lead, Creative Information Technologies, Inc. (CITI), Arlington, VA. Assignment: US State Department, Consular Affairs, Consular Systems Division. Responsible for fielding a global biometric identification service as project lead. Responsibilities included hands-on design and development of enterprise architecture, client-server software (VB6), systems integration (Win2K, MS Exchange, and Oracle), installation of pilot systems, IV&V, and life-cycle support (directed a team of installers and trainers to deploy system). Directed engineering efforts and oversaw administration of, and compliance with, CMMI level 2 program goals for full life-cycle development. Also, consulted with federal agencies on policy-related matters, and coordinated activities with DOJ and FBI. Also evaluated emerging biometric and document security technologies. Received awards and bonuses.

2001: Contract Lead Software Engineer providing a turn-key campaign organizing application for an international union in Washington, DC. Responsible for design and development of user interfaces with Visual Basic 6.0 and SQL, preparing installation CDs, preparing test scripts and some project management. On my recommendation, the the application was designed and developed using the Heuristic, or 'iterative', approach and concurrent testing prior to beta test and deployment.

1999 - 2000: Senior Software Engineer for a Bethesda, Md. information services provider (bought by Eastman Chemical). Duties: automated primary business processes (BPR). Developed and deployed an enterprise information management system using VB 6.0, Oracle, MS Access 97, and SAP Crystal Reports. Also provided numerous database utilities for SAP staging area, database comparisons, validation, and other QC checks. Also responsible for providing NT Server-based ActiveX transaction processing components for the web. Currently completing migration of enterprise application to the web using IIS, ActiveX Documents and COM/DCOM.

Prior: Fulfilled an Information Services consulting role for various companies and government agencies. Accomplishments included:

  • a re-engineered employee identification system for Los Angeles, Chicago, and Seattle airport authorities using Visual Basic 6.0, 2-D barcode readers and live video. Migrated application to 3-tier MDI architecture using ADO 2.0 to connect to MS SQL Server 7.0 database.
  • the design, development and deployment of 3-tier WAN OLTP (Call Center) application on a Windows NT 4.0 enterprise network with Windows 95 clients. The application managed call center activities with SQL Server 6.5 database using ODBC, MS DTC, ADO, MTS 2.0, and DCOM. Also assisted in managing modifications the company’s billing software and reports.
  • reorganized software development group to improve productivity, and overhauled management of Software Change Request process using PVCS Tracker. Also assisted in the development of a business application (CLAIMS 3 & 4) for the Department of Justice, INS. Modified existing SDLC software using Visual Basic 4.0 in an enterprise network environment.
  • co-developed a business application for the US GSA using Visual Basic, and third party controls (including Visual SourceSafe for Configuration Management), in a team environment; developed numerous reporting modules using Crystal Reports 5.0; application interfaced with SQL Server 6.5, using VBSQL custom control, in a Windows NT Server environment.
  • designed and developed a corporate training and skills assessment software application in Visual Basic 3.0 for Freddie Mac's Corporate Technology Center, under short term contract. Responsible for developing MS Access reports, Sybase SQL, help files, and implementation of 3rd-party controls.
  • developed a Windows-based expert system, for transport aircraft market analyses, using Visual Basic, on behalf of AEROCO, a local aviation consulting proprietorship. Tasks included the design and implementation of complex algorithms and parametric equations, preparation of help files and distribution disks, and implementation of 3rd-party controls and Sentinel Pro software protection keys.


    1996 Master of Engineering Management (M.E.M.) from The George Washington University, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Washington, DC. Curriculum included information management, management of innovation, marketing of technology, economic analysis with multiple alternatives, financial planning, etc.


    1986 B.S., Engineering Management from Old Dominion University, School of Engineering, Norfolk, VA. Courses in applied civil, electrical and mechanical engineering, operations research (OR), and computer programming (BASIC, FORTRAN and PASCAL).


    2012: Objectivity/DB architecture, design, and development.

    2007-2008: Various Agile project management and development courses.

    2007-2008: Various Oracle 10g/11g database administration courses, including Oracle Application Express.

    2006: Convera Certificate of Achievement: RetrievalWare Administration and RetrievalWare Search.

    2005: Sarbanes-Oxley document management: certified Hummingbird Professional (CHP), for RM Administrator (see the HummingBird website at: for additional details).

    1997: Certified Administrator, Intersolv PVCS Version Manager.

    Revised November 10, 2018.
    Copyright ©2012-2018 James Bryon Swecker, all rights reserved.
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